Why is my fire glass turning black?

If your fire glass is turning black, it is likely due to soot deposition caused by incomplete combustion of the gas in your fire pit or fireplace. This issue is commonly observed in propane-fueled systems but can be easily resolved. Once the underlying problem is addressed, the fire glass can be cleaned to restore its original appearance.

Fire glass is inherently non-combustible and does not contain any chemicals or additives that could leave residues. The black discoloration you observe is simply a layer of soot that forms when the gas does not burn efficiently. This is particularly common in fire features that use liquid propane (LP), as propane requires specific conditions to burn cleanly.

Primary Causes of Fire Glass Turning Black

  1. Missing, Improperly Installed, or Undersized Air Mixer (Propane Systems Only)
    Unlike natural gas, which is lighter and burns more cleanly, propane is a denser fuel that requires proper air mixing to achieve complete combustion. Without adequate air mixing, the gas burns inefficiently, producing soot that deposits on the fire glass and other surfaces. This soot is often visible as smoke rising from the flames.
    An air mixer is a critical component in propane systems, as it introduces the necessary air into the gas stream to ensure a clean burn. Sooting typically occurs when:
    • No air mixer is installed.
    • The air mixer is improperly installed.
    • The air mixer is undersized for the burner.
    To determine if your system has an air mixer, inspect the piping beneath the burner. The air mixer is typically located directly below the burner assembly.
  2. Excessive Fire Glass Covering the Burner
    Fire glass should be spread evenly over the burner, just enough to conceal it. If too much fire glass is used, the gas disperses over a larger area, leading to incomplete combustion and soot formation.
    Solution: Remove excess fire glass until the burner is barely visible beneath the glass layer. This ensures the gas burns efficiently and minimizes soot production.
  3. Wind Interference with the Flame
    Even mild wind can disrupt the flame in your fire pit, causing uneven combustion and soot deposition. If soot appears around the edges of the burner pan, wind is likely the culprit. Wind displaces the flame, leaving areas where the gas does not burn completely, resulting in soot buildup.
    Solution: Install a wind guard or flame guard around the burner pan. This tempered glass barrier not only protects the flame from wind but also enhances the aesthetic appeal of your fire feature.

How to Clean Fire Glass?

Proper cleaning and maintenance of your fire glass will help keep it looking its best. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

Supplies You'll Need:

  • A bucket
  • 1 gallon of water
  • 1 gallon of household vinegar
  • Plastic scoop for removing glass from your fire pit or fireplace
  • Large wire mesh strainer (such as those used in the kitchen to drain pasta)
  • Tarp or plastic trash bag
  • Supplies for cleaning your fire glass


  1. In a bucket, create a mixture of equal parts water and vinegar.
  2. Use the plastic scoop to remove the dirty fire glass from your fire pit, focusing on the top layer and areas around the edges or near the burner.
  3. Add the dirty fire glass to the bucket of water and vinegar solution.
  4. Stir the fire glass in the solution using the scoop, ensuring thorough cleaning.
  5. Remove the fire glass from the water/vinegar solution and place it in the wire mesh strainer.
  6. Rinse the fire glass with clean water, using a garden hose for convenience.
  7. If you are using tempered fire glass, it is recommended to dry it completely before using it again. Spread the glass out on a plastic bag or tarp in a sunny area, or leave it overnight in a non-sunny or indoor location.
  8. Once dry, your fire glass is ready to be used again, providing a beautiful and safe fire feature.

Properly maintaining your fire glass will ensure its longevity and keep it looking vibrant for many enjoyable fires to come.Properly maintaining your fire glass will ensure its longevity and keep it looking vibrant for many enjoyable fires to come.

fire glass clean tool

Professional Installation of Air Mixers

Propane gas is highly volatile, and any modifications to your fire pit’s gas system should be handled by a qualified professional. When selecting an installer, prioritize those with NFI (National Fireplace Institute) certification. NFI-certified professionals have undergone rigorous training and testing, ensuring they meet high standards for safety and proper installation. 

By addressing the root causes of soot formation and maintaining your fire feature properly, you can enjoy a clean, efficient, and visually stunning fire pit or fireplace.

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